Our vibrant selection of non-alcoholic cocktails is crafted to wow your taste buds. Whether you're out with friends, celebrating a milestone, or enjoying a quiet moment, our mocktails are the perfect way to make Dry January anything but dry.
Join us all month long to savour these incredible creations. Step into our world where flavour takes centre stage
Choose from a selection of four expertly crafted mocktails, priced at just £8.
You can also explore our perfectly paired bite-sized options, including crispy mozzarella sticks, tender beef and marrowbone meatballs, and much more.
These delicious snacks are the perfect accompaniment to our mocktails.
We are committed to creating a culture of Safer Gambling within our casinos. We have appointed Safer Gambling Ambassadors across all our sites, in order to protect young and vulnerable people from being exploited by gambling, prevent underage gambling and increase support for the treatment of gambling harm.