The Neighbourhood @ Brighton

Poker Guide for Beginners

Discover the exciting world of poker with our easy-to-follow beginner's guide, crafted to make your first experience at Rendezvous Brighton Casino enjoyable and successful.

At first glance poker can seem complicated. But with a few simple rules and some basic strategy it can be good fun for everyone. This guide is your golden ticket to understanding poker, perfect for beginners, all while highlighting the friendly faces you'll find at Rendezvous Brighton Casino.


The Basics of How Poker Works

The objective of poker is to determine the holder of the best hand of cards, and for the winner to claim the pot by making bets that others will fold. Each player is dealt two cards (face hidden), and players construct the best possible five-card hand from their two cards and others in the centre of the table. The player with the best hand (such as straight flush, three of a kind, etc.) wins all the money wagered in that deal.


Texas Hold'em

The Texas hold’em version of poker is the king of poker games for its massive popularity and appeal. We’ll start by looking at how a typical game goes:

The cards are shuffled, and two hidden cards are dealt to each player. The dealer then discards one unseen card and places three community cards in the middle (the flop). A second card is then turned (the turn). Finally, the third and final community card is turned (the river).

The Bets:
After the flop, turn and river cards are turned, each player has the opportunity to bet. You can either:

  • Call: Pay the same amount as the current bet to remain in the hand.
  • Raise: Bet at least the amount of the current bet to increase the pot and potentially discourage other players.
  • Fold: Surrender your hand and give up any bets already made in this hand.
  • Check: If no player has bet prior to your turn, you may declare “check” and pass the action to the next player without placing a bet.

The Order of Hands:
It is very important to know which hands are stronger in order to make the right decisions. Below is the list of poker hands rankings from the highest to the lowest in Texas Hold'em which every beginner must learn when trying how to play poker:

Royal Flush: The unbeatable hand, consisting of an Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and Ten all in the same suit.
For example, A♠ K♠ Q♠ J♠ 10♠.

Straight Flush: Five consecutive cards of the same suit.
For example, 8♠ 9♠ 10♠ J♠ Q♠.

Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same rank, plus one side card or ‘kicker.’
For example, Q♣ Q♦ Q♠ Q♥ 5♠.

Full House: Three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank.
For example, K♣ K♠ K♦ 5♣ 5♦.

Flush: Five cards of the same suit, not in sequence.
For example, A♠ K♠ 10♠ 5♠ 3♠.

Straight: Five consecutive cards of different suits.
For example, 10♣ 9♠ 8♦ 7♥ 6♠.

Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same rank and two unrelated side cards.
For example, 7♣ 7♥ 7♠ K♦ 2♠.

Two Pair: Two cards of one rank, two cards of another rank, and one unrelated side card.
For example, J♣ J♠ 4♣ 4♠ 9♦.

One Pair: Two cards of the same rank and three unrelated side cards.
For example, 9♣ 9♦ A♠ 7♥ 5♠.

High Card: The highest card in your hand when no other hand is made.
For example, if you hold K♠ 10♣ 7♦ 6♠ 2♥, your highest card is the King.

Understanding these hand rankings is fundamental to mastering poker rules and will help you make better decisions during the game, increasing your chances of success and enhancing your overall poker experience. These rankings are a core part of poker rules and will be referenced frequently as you learn how to play poker and engage in various poker games.

Taking a Seat at Rendezvous: Your First Time at a Poker Table 

New to casino poker? Don't bluff it. Rendezvous Brighton Casino has your back. Our experienced staff, including dealers, are there to guide you.

Got questions? Ask away! Dealers will explain the rules and walk you through your first hand. Forget the intimidation, we make it easy to learn.

A poker table seats up to 10. Turns move clockwise, based on your cards, and revealed community cards. Knowing the basics builds confidence. The more you know, the more you'll enjoy (and maybe even win) the game.

For learning the game, Rendezvous Brighton has you covered. You’ll always have staff support, whether it’s explaining the rules to you or making you feel relaxed at the table. You can hone your skills or learn a new trade - our open and friendly atmosphere allows you to cultivate your poker style and strategy. So come on down and trade your worries for poker skills.

Essential Strategies for Beginner Poker Players 

As you embark on your poker journey, consider these key tips to enhance your gameplay in poker games:

Bankroll Management:
This is paramount. Decide on a specific budget for the poker session and stick to it. Only play with money that you can afford to lose. Evaluate your bankroll to the game's stakes (minimum and maximum bets) to ensure you can participate in enough hands. Good bankroll management is one of the most important rules to follow when learning how to play poker.

Starting Hand Selection:
Not all hole cards are created equal. In the early stages, focus on strong starting hands that offer a higher potential for forming a winning combination. Examples include pocket pairs (two cards of the same rank), high cards suited (cards of consecutive rank in the same suit), and Broadway cards (Ace to Ten). As you gain experience, you can incorporate weaker hands into your strategy.

Pot Odds and Implied Odds:
Pot Odds and Implied Odds are concepts used in poker to calculate the probability of winning a hand based on the current size of the pot and potential future bets. Analysing if it is mathematically reasonable to call a bet hinges on these fundamental concepts.
Pot odds are the comparison between the pot's size and the required call amount. Implied odds consider the possible benefits in the future if your hand improves or makes your opponent fold.
For example, it could make sense to call a small bet with a flush draw (four cards to a flush) because of the potential to win a bigger pot if the flush is completed on the next community card. Mastering these principles is crucial for any player looking to learn how to play poker well and succeed in poker games.

Table Etiquette:
We all want to have a fun and smooth game, and good behaviour from all participants is simply polite. Here’s a brief list of the most important rules:

  • Don’t lean: Don’t do anything that might give away your cards (peeking, leaning over the table, etc.).
  • Play in turn: Don’t speak when others were given the floor, don’t interrupt other players’ thought process.
  • Keep your cards hidden: Don’t show your hole cards before the show down.
  • Don’t discuss mucked cards: Cards that have been thrown into the muck should considered “mucked” and be placed in the discard pile.
  • Time: Take a reasonable amount of time to make decisions but avoid unnecessary delays. You should take as much time as you need to make you move, but not longer than that. If a player takes too long, the dealer or the game master may place the time limit somewhere around a minute.
  • Tip the dealer: It’s customary to tip the dealer for good service, especially if he or she has been courteous and helpful.

Beyond the basics for players who are ready to evolve

Once you’re more confident in your game, you can start to experiment with some more sophisticated poker strategies. Here are some things to consider:

Position: Your position at the table will have a huge impact on your options when you’re facing the dealer. If you’re in an early position you’ll be the first to act before the flop, giving you minimal information about your opponents’ hands. If you’re in a late position, you can use others’ actions before you to help inform your decisions.

Bluffing: This strategy includes wagering on a hand that you think is not as strong as your opponent's, with the goal of getting them to fold and taking the pot without having the superior hand. Successful bluffing involves thoughtful analysis of aspects such as your image at the table, the odds of the pot, and how your opponent plays.

Reading Players: Watching how your opponent's act can offer useful clues about the strength of their hand. Search for signals, such as physical or verbal cues, that could show their level of confidence. Nevertheless, it's important to be careful, because skilled players may use deceptive cues to trick their rivals.

Exploring the Games at Rendezvous Brighton Casino 

Rendezvous Brighton Casino offers a variety of poker options to cater to your preferences and experience level. Here's a breakdown of the most common formats:


Cash Games

You buy in for a predetermined number of chips and can play until you decide to leave the table. You can replenish your chips throughout the session if you happen to lose your stack. Cash games usually have a minimum and maximum bet, making the betting ranges more structured.



Tournaments have a predetermined buy-in and guaranteed prize pool for the winner(s). All players begin with the same amount of chips and the blinds increase at set periods during the game. As players run out of chips they are eliminated from the tournament. The winner at the end of the tournament takes home the largest portion of the prize pool. Tournaments let you win a big payout with a relatively small buy-in.

But you have to be willing to put in the time and stamina because tournaments can last hours.

For a full list and details of upcoming tournaments, check our tournament schedule page.

Play Responsibly: Ensuring a Safe and Fun Experience 

At Rendezvous Brighton Casino, we promote responsible gambling. We encourage all players to gamble safely and within their means. Here are some key points to remember:

Set Limits: Before you start playing, determine a budget you're comfortable losing and stick to it. Don't chase losses by exceeding your budget.

Take Breaks: Poker can be mentally taxing. Take regular breaks to step away from the table, refresh yourself, and avoid emotional decision-making.

Know When to Stop: If you're feeling overwhelmed or losing control, don't hesitate to walk away from the game. There is always another time to play.
For helpful resources and information on setting play limits or self-exclusion, visit the Safer Gambling resources provided by Metropolitan Gaming.

Poker should be a fun and enjoyable experience. Don't be afraid to ask our friendly staff for help if you have any questions. We look forward to welcoming you to the tables at Rendezvous Brighton Casino!


Poker is a thrilling game that anyone can enjoy and play at any level. Enjoy playing poker by learning the basics, using helpful strategies and with the aid of support staff here at Rendezvous Brighton Casino and you can ensure that you experience a great game of poker. Why not come and visit us and join our friendly community of poker players.


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